Friday, October 16, 2015

An Integrated Shiny App for a Course on Repeated Measurements Analysis

I will be teaching a course on statistical regression models for repeated measurements data, and I thought of creating a shiny app to let students run the code used in the course and examine the output in real time.

The app is still in development mode (Chapter 5 is still missing), but you may give it a try, and let me know of any feedback/comments you may have.

More information on installation requirements and how to invoke is available on my GitHub page.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Two Presentations about Joint Models

Packages JM and JMbayes @ JSM2015

This year JSM features an interesting invited session about fitting joint models in different software packages -- if you're interested drop by...

Here are my slides in which I give a short intro in packages JM and JMbayes:

Personalized Screening Intervals for Longitudinal Biomarkers using Joint Models

This presentation shows a new methodological framework for optimizing screening intervals for longitudinal biomarkers using the framework of joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data; more information can be found on arXiv.

Here are the slides: